Whether you’re looking for a permanent church home, or simply in town for a visit, you’re always invited to join us here at Poteau United Methodist Church.
As you plan your visit with us, here are some things you may find helpful.
Poteau United Methodist Church is located in the heart of downtown Poteau at 109 S Harper Street. The church building is half a block south of Dewey Ave between Harper and Walters street. The largest parking lot (and main entrance) is on the Walters St side of the church.
Worship Times
We have one worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings in our Sanctuary. You are welcome to come early at 9:30 am and spend time in study with us in one of our Sunday School Classes. We have various adult classes that meet in our Christian Life Center. Youth (6th-12th grade) meet upstairs in the Education Building and Children meet downstairs in the Education Building.
Where Should I Park?
We have two parking lots. The main parking lot is on Walter Street. If you park in this parking lot, look for the double glass doors under the overhang. Those will lead you right into the gathering area outside the Sanctuary. There is another smaller parking lot that is next to the Christian Life Center on the other side of the building (off of Harper St.)
What Should I Wear?
Whatever you wish. Some people wear ties. Most people dress nice but comfortable. Some wear blue jeans, some even wear shorts!
What Should I Expect When I Walk In?
A greeter will be at the main entrance (see above) who will help you find your way. We will not embarrass you in church as being a first time visitor, but do expect friendly people to say hi and introduce themselves before and after the service.
Do You Have a Nursery?
Absolutely! When you come in the main entrance a greeter will be happy to help you find the nursery. Our nursery workers all have background checks and are trained in our Safe Sanctuary policies.